Friday, 29 April 2016

How did they get away with it?

The question seems to have moved on, now that we all accept that 96 fans went to a football match, were unlawfully killed by police negligence, that the blame was then deflected onto the innocent supporters....the question is How? How have we allowed that to happen?

For 27 years the dishonest liars in the SYP (of which there were 100s) who put comments in their statements about drunkeness, ticketless fans, who used standard phrases like "animalistic behaviour" in describing fans like me, who allowed criticisms of the police to be removed from their statements, who fed lies to the press and to their friends in parliament, who took to the stands at the inquests, at the inquiries and lied, committed perjury, who fabricated evidence, who threatened and intimidated witnesses (like me), who got their friends to give false statements as "witnesses" (More later when that story is properly broken)

How did they get away with it? How is our establishment so utterly hopeless that they will allow a bunch of corrupt police to brand innocent people as killers? How did the press largely buy into this bullshit? How did those who investigate the police buy into this bullshit? How did our politicians allow this to carry on?  Where were the investigative press? 

The key failures here were in all levels of power, the press, the governments and the police themselves and the legal system. Many attempts were made to right the wrongs in the courts, yet the legal system failed miserably. Access to justice only comes with a fat wallet so it seems. Access to a voice only comes with power, which working class footie fans have so little of.

I think our society is so geared up, to protect the vested interests of those in power, and to deny the rights of the ordinary man. And this is not a political point, it is an anti-establishment point. Of those who helped to deny justice, Blair and Straw are as bad as anyone (Didn't want to upset Murdoch) and T.May has done as much as anyone to take on the vested interests within the corrupt police establishment.

I have heard many Journos say Tuesday was a "Great day for the British justice system" - utter nonsense.  I have not heard one fellow survivor or family member say that. Tuesday was a "Huge indictment on the British justice system" - that it took 27 years to get to the truth is a shameful indictment on the establishment and how they allowed good intelligent people - like many who will be reading this, to believe the lies of the SYP over the 1000s of other witnesses whose testimony you never heard (or when you did, you never believed).

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